Monday, December 15, 2008

Can you teach passion?

I was recently asked by a business colleague if I believe passion can be taught. I responded with a confident Yes. I believe we all have passion. Our passion may look different, feel different and transpire into the world differently; but I do believe someone can learn how to tap into their passion. It's not passion that's being taught, it's teaching people how to tap into their passion...

United States businesses have been built on an autocratic system that attempts to mold people to fit into the needs of the business. Based on this approach, we have grown up hearing about all the things we need to "improve" on, which of our "opportunity areas" are getting in our way of being successful and which of our "behaviors" need to be addressed in order for us to live the values of our workplace. A great percentage of people in our country feel as though their passion is growing further and further away from their day-to-day work activity. They feel their passion is being shadowed by the expectations of their employers. Ironically, employers then question why their customer service satisfaction is low, why quality is struggling or why revenue goals are not being met. Teach employees how to unleash their passion and watch the business sore!

Leaders can teach passion by helping their employees discover what their passion is. Teaching is simply about helping others discover something new. How? Leaders need to ask their employees what's important to them, what part of the work do they find most satisfying, what are their personal goals and values, what is their vision? Begin designing jobs that incorporate each person's passion, or simply let employees take on tasks that allow them to use their passion. Move the business forward by teaching employees how to discover their passion, and by supporting their ideas on how to actively live their passion in the workplace. It's a win win!

Gina Kellogg-Gardner

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