Monday, November 24, 2008

Employee Engagement & Generation Y

Since Gina probably won't blog about this accomplishment, I will do it for her.

After spending months researching the link between employee engagement and leveraging the Millennial Generation (or Gen Y), Gina recently presented her findings at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, MN. She also just published an article about the topic in Connections, the official magazine for the Professional BusinessWomen of California. You can access the magazine here (the article is on page nine, next to an article written by Lisa Orrell, a Millennial and Generation Relations Expert).

Her findings show that organizations must support engagement in areas such as:
  • Leadership development
  • Job design
  • Career culture
  • Engagement survey
  • Online action planning
Also, she says that the relationship between employee engagement and an organization's success in leveraging Generation Y is driven by leadership. With Gen Y having the largest employment share by 2011, leadership's ability to engage and leverage this new generations is critical to give organizations the competitive advantage.

I encourage you to read the whole article, and if you have questions about it or want more details, just let us know.

And as a side note, I thought you might enjoy this youtube video about Generation Y. Click here to view it.

Have a good one!
Karen Rulifson

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