The other day I posted an article about beating your impulses. Every time I write or talk about that, someone points out that not all impulsive decisions (or impulsive people) are bad. I fully agree. In fact, sometimes they can be good. Really good.
But there is a difference between good and bad impulses.
DYSFUNCTIONAL IMPULSIVITY: Psychologists have identified two different kinds of “impulsive.” One is called ”dysfunctional impulsivity.” That’s what people who are slaves to their impulses have. They get their kicks mostly from booze, blow and law-breaking. They usually end up with illustrious careers as inmate #7825. Or they end up getting buried–financially and/or physically.
FUNCTIONAL IMPULSIVITY: Some people are just risk-takers. They push the speed limit, but don’t drive drunk. They make bold decisions, but don’t win Darwin Awards. They fail often, but then adjust accordingly and continue on. They never stop being impulsive, but they don’t keep making the same bad choices over and over again. They are constantly learning from past experience.
TO BE FUNCTIONAL think about which risks also offer potential reward, and which risks are just plain old risks with no potential payout. Where the functional might break some rules to get ahead, the dysfunctional break windows just because they feel like it. Are you telling off your boss just b/c it feels good? Are you skimming off the top to pick up some chump change while jeopardizing a much larger long term payout?
Impulsive people are always going to be impulsive, but some learn and some just lose.